Organisation (Task 0)

Tâche 0 / Task 0 : Project Management

Person in charge: G. Sarthou (LEMAR)

Participants: Task leaders (P. Lherminier – LPO, E. Bucciarelli and L. Memery – LEMAR, and F. Lacan- -LEGOS)

The project management will be considered as a task in itself (Task 0). The project will be coordinated by G. Sarthou (LEMAR), with the help of the four other task leaders: P. Lherminier, E. Bucciarelli, F. Lacan, and L. Memery. G. Sarthou will organize regular meetings, collect and synthesize the 6-month reports of the different tasks and verify the achievement of the project deliverables at expected dates. On their side, task leaders will coordinate and follow the progress of the scientific work and be in charge of the 6-month reports of their task. The project manager will also ensure that the tasks are working in synergy and she will make the link among the tasks of the project, via regular video conferences, meetings and emails.

As the chief scientist of the GEOVIDE cruise, the project manager will coordinate the preparation of the cruise. This will include the pre-cruise meeting, sampling strategy and the coordination of the material and equipment shipments in close collaboration with the UMS “Flotte océanographique française”. During the cruise, she will be in charge of the planning and coordination of all the operations (in close collaboration with P. Lherminier and the Captain), and of the scientific meetings that will be frequently organized, in order to follow the cruise process. After the cruise, G. Sarthou will ensure that the analyses scheduled for the months following the cruise will be performed as stated in the project (Table 2). She will organize a post-cruise meeting in Brest and working group meetings in order to promote the interactions between the different teams and to ensure an efficient exploitation and dissemination of the data. In particular communications at international conferences and publications in peer-reviewed journals will be at the forefront. The project manager will coordinate the publication of the GEOVIDE results in a special issue (Biogeosciences). She will also propose a GEOTRACES special session at an international conference (e.g. ASLO, AGU or Goldschmidt meetings), where the GEOVIDE results will be presented.

Finally, the project manager will take care of the financial monitoring and follow the web site development and regular update that will guarantee very efficient protected sharing of information (data, but also article drafts) among the GEOVIDE community. She will also ensure that all the data gathered during the project will be made available in appropriate data bases (e.g. SISMER, LEFE/CYBER and the British Oceanographic GEOTRACES data bases). Before the cruise, the metadata information files will be filled by the responsible of each parameter and sent to the LEFE/CYBER data base manager (C. Schmechtig, LOV, Villefranche/mer), who is in direct contact with the SISMER on the one hand, and the GEOTRACES DATA CENTER (BODC, Liverpool, E. Mawji) on the other hand.


Who’s doing what: G. Sarthou will coordinate this task. Other task leaders will coordinate and follow the progress of the scientific work and be in charge of the 6-month reports of their task. The management costs of the project will co-funded by the INSU and the ANR-PDOC BITMAP (see § 6). This will include (i) one workshop per year (organization costs); (ii) publication costs (including a special issue) and public outreach (including a web site), and (iii) International meeting for five participants, year 1 and 2.